BAMM's Virtual Trivia Holiday Event

  • 10 Dec 2020
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Registration is closed


Thursday, December 10th 
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Zoom link will be sent to registrants


Hi BAMM Members,

We will be hosting a really fun Virtual Trivia competition with smaller group competitions and professional trivia hosts. You'll get a chance to win prizes with your group and have some fun along the way.

In addition the BAMM Philanthropy committee will be conducting a  fundraiser, to replace our normal silent auction, which raises money for our charitable partners Upwardly Global and StandUp for Kids.

We expect to have a ton of prizes and attendees will be able to purchase tickets online via for the sweepstakes-style fundraiser (similar to a raffle). Winners will be chosen live during the event via a random draw by

We will be also collection donations for Toys For Tots. This year will have to be a bit different than past years due to Covid restrictions,  so more info to come on that. 

Please mark your calendars and register! We look forward to seeing you all there!